A picture of Littleton High School

10 things you didn’t know about Littleton High School

Littleton High School has been around for a long time, and with each year our community grows, and so does the amount of unknown, so I have put together a list of 10 facts and secrets you might not have known about Littleton High School.

  1. The first year that littleton high school was open was 1920 and had 225 students

  1. Littleton high school’s performing arts program was started in 1907.

  1. The school is filled with secret passageways that were built for various reasons.

A picture of the since hallway mural
A picture of the science hallway mural which has mountains, jungle, wetlands, deseret and a cliff.
  1. Our school has several murals, of these is the multi-biome mural in the science hallway. If you look closely you can find a basketball hidden in it.

  1. Also in the science mural is a “Blob of birds” from afar it looks like one, but up close you will see that it is five.

A picture of a hallway with the IB learner traits painted on the beams.
The beams are decorated with IB Learner traits
  1. In the Performing arts hall there are seven pillars with murals on them; but if you look closely you will see that five of them have purple curtains painted on the top.

  1. If you look up at the ceiling of our building you might see the 10 IB learner profile traits painted on the Beams holding up the ceiling. But somewhere in the school an extra phrase is painted; “Good Luck”

  1. Our student to teacher ratio is 1:17, and was updated by the National Center for Education Statistics.

  1. This building we call school was built in 1956, but it was not the “first” Littleton High school.

  1. In 1956 Grant Junior High was named Littleton High School but then it was renamed and this building became the Littleton High School we all know.