Meet Luca Rodriguez: The 2024-2025 Student Body President

Senior Luca Rodriguez is very excited to be this year’s student body president. He has strong goals to make the school a better place and a plan to do that.

One of Rodriguez’s main goals this year is for our school “to feel like a really big community.” He also states that our school is already on the way there and we are on the right track for this goal.

Luca’s poster from last year when he was running for student body president

As your student body president, Rodriguez is really involved around school as a whole. He is involved in many different clubs and activities that our school has to offer. A few of these involve model united nations, mock trial, fbla and thespians. 

Besides helping the school feel like a safe space and close community for students and staff alike, Rodriguez also has plans within the school and fundraising activities.

“I think a lot of my plans come down to fundraising and then using the money that we make as a student council in strategic ways, to just like make it like an overall better environment.”

While Rodriguez is not busy helping around school and joining different clubs, he also has spent some time outside of school as an actor. 

One final fact about our student body president is that if you stop by IHOP on Saturdays you will find him hard at work making balloon animals.