Sources of Strength Contest: Promoting Well-Being Through Fun

The Sources of Strength club is planning the Healthy Activities Contest to encourage students and staff to engage in positive, uplifting activities while spreading awareness of the importance of mental well-being. This initiative focuses on healthy activities, and actions that will help us navigate life’s struggles by connecting with family, friends, or hobbies. The contest also emphasizes that when personal strengths aren’t enough, students should seek support from a trusted adult. 

One of the best aspects of this contest is its inclusivity—anyone can participate! Whether you are a student, teacher, or staff member, you can take part in this engaging and rewarding challenge. 

Around the school, there are “slices of strength” displayed on the walls, each representing a different healthy activity. To participate, students need to take a photo of one of these strengths and bring it to Ms. Rapp in room 1219. Upon submission, they will be asked to explain how they already use that strength in their lives or how they would like to incorporate it more. This simple yet impactful activity encourages self-reflection and personal growth.

Everyone who participates is a winner, but there are also exciting prizes for those whose names are drawn! While the grand prize, a ticket to the big basketball game, has already been claimed, plenty of fantastic prizes remain. These include a Lego Mug, coloring books with colored pencils, temporary tattoos, a card game, and candy.