Does February feel like it just flew by? Isn’t it shocking that it’s already March? Do you think this year is already shorter then the last? Well … it is!
February is the shortest month of the year with only 28 days. Both the months before February, December and January, have 31 days. This causes the winter month to just fly by.
Last year was a Leap year. A Leap Year is to make our calendar years more accurate. The earth revolves around the sun in 365.25 days. Leap Day is here take make up for that quarter of a day. Without the addition of February 29th every four years our seasons would eventually be thrown off. So, every four years the calendar is has 366 days on it.
Despite this shortened month we still had one scheduled day off for presidents day, a three day week, a snow day, and of course, the greeting card companies’ favorite holiday, valentines day. This helped the only 18 days we had of school just to fly by.
Their are about 5 million people born on Leap Day, with it being the rarest birthday in the world. To those who were born on Leap Day, whose’s birthday couldn’t have been marked on the calendar, we wish you the happiest birthday! Rather you celebrated yesterday or today may your special day not be forgotten.
This year marks the restart of the four year cycle. For the next three years we will continue to leap over February 29. It’s sad to think that we can just skip over a whole day, rather it’s special to someone or not. Our years will go back to the traditional 52 weeks and 365 days. The seasons will slowly be knocked off course again, until that extra long year comes around. Happy not Leap Day!