Tinfoil is Missing!

Beloved science class pet Tinfoil is missing!

Tinfoil the leopard gecko lives in Ms. Benham’s science classroom with a few other lizards. Tinfoil can be found hanging out around the log in his enclosure or resting on his rocks. He was gifted from a student and is a great, fun addition to the classroom community.

This wednesday the small lizard was nowhere to be found. The question is where did he go?

With the open viewing of the class pet someone could have easily taken Tinfoil from his home. If this is you who took him or you know of the person who has please help return him back to the classroom as soon as possible.

Tinfoil could have also escaped or been left out of the enclosure. He could easily be wandering around the school or classroom right now. Sadly leopard geckos need specific climate and temperature settings to live. This means he will not be able to survive for long in the cold environment of the school and must be found soon.

If you find Tinfoil please email Ms. Benham at kbenham@lps.k12.co.us or bring him back to his tank.

Please keep a look out for the little lizard and help him get back to his home!