Are you going on a trip with your family, or just staying at home for break? Either way, you will probably have a bit of free time to relax. Yet, if you don’t know what to do, break can get extremely boring. So, we’ve compiled a list of 10 simple and cheap activities you can do this spring break.
1. Binge a TV Show– You’ve probably seen clips or heard around about a new show sometime recently, or you are simply itching to rewatch one of your favorites. Spring break is a really good time to dive right in, back into that familiar show or a whole new world of characters and lives. You can cuddle up in a blanket by the tv, or grab your favorite snack. TV Shows are super easy to get into, even if they are brand new, and what better way to spend your break than relaxing with TV?
2. Movie Marathon- Whether it’s by yourself, with family, or a group of friends, movie marathons are always easy and fun. Maybe there is an old series you need to catch up on with your best friend. Or maybe your parents have been begging you to watch their favorites! Either way, this is a very cost friendly and easily accessible option to do over break. You can also invite multiple friends over and make it a movie marathon sleepover to amp up the fun!
3. Flower Hikes- Do you want an excuse to hang out with friends, while still enjoying the simplicity of nature, then flower hikes are perfect! All you need to do this is a small piece of cardboard, a pen and a pair of scissors- plus the outdoors!! What you do for this cute craft is cut a rectangle square of cardboard, just a few inches big, and draw an empty vase with holes poked above it. Then, you go outside with your friends and family, collecting flowers and filling in your bouquet! This is a super fun no cost activity that can take hours or just a few minutes.
4. Spring Cleaning- Cleaning, boring, right? For some yes, but this classic spring cleaning can actually be super relaxing if you do it right! Put on a long playlist with all your favorite songs- bonus points if you can dance along. Next, start with the simple tasks you have been putting off, maybe hanging up a bag or folding your laundry and continue in sections, starting with simple spots like a pile of jewelry in the bathroom, or a few bags of chips left in the kitchen. Then, go room by room tidying it up as you go. I like to start with my closet, getting rid of a few items before going around the rest of my room. Even if you don’t finish the whole house, or where ever you were cleaning, a little process goes a long way!
5. Tie Dye with Friends- While it’s messy, tie dye is one of the most fun activities you can do on a warm spring day, surrounded by your friends. Local craft stores have really cheap packs of tie dye items, with everything you need included. I recommend putting a tablecloth down outside, in the warm sun, and setting everything up there. Then, you and your friends can go wild tie dying matching shirts, hats or really anything.
6. Apply for a Summer Job- While this option seems super boring, your future self (in the summer) will thank you! It is really common for jobs to start opening applications early spring, and spring break is the perfect opportunity to look over these jobs and find a great place for you to spend the summer. Whether you want to work at a restaurant or a summer camp, it would be a great idea to at least take a look job applications, even if you don’t end up applying. Plus, you can start to prepare your resume over break and get ready to apply for jobs closer to summer if needed.
7. Drive to a New City- While this one may be hard if you don’t have a license, it is an option for those who can drive themselves, or get a ride from family or friends. A fun activity you can do over spring break is to drive to a new city, some examples could be Fort Collins or Boulder, where you can spend most of the day exploring around. My personal favorites are to walk around finding different thrift and vintage stores, but you could also just walk around and get food or visit local parks.
8. Make Gifts for Your Friends- While much more time consuming, this is a really sweet gift that would be super fun to make and give to your friends during or after break. Whether you make a few bracelets, or a full on handmade gift basket, your friends would love it! You could even make baskets with your friends to give to neighbors or family members as well. If you need inspiration for gifts, totally look at Pinterest or other social media for cute and simple ideas.
9. Make a New Recipe- Whether you have experience baking or cooking, making a new recipe would be a super fun activity that you can do alone, or again with your friends. You can make simple cookies, or try full on cakes or complex recipes like macaroons. Even though these recipes can be very long, you can spend time while you wait for it to bake by watching a movie or just relaxing with your friends. Then, once your recipe is done, you can enjoy your treat with your friends.
10. Pick Up a New Hobby- Whether you have always wanted to try out a new sport, or just practice a hobby you think you would be good at, break is the perfect time to do this. You can spend around a whole a week mastering something you enjoy, whether its rollerskating or painting portraits, you will definitely improve in whatever you practice.
As you can see there are many different activities you can do over break, which range from time with friends or walks in the park.