The Possibility of a WWIII Draft: What You Need to Know

Good news, we won’t have to go to war for our President. He can’t even make us right now.

Currently, our country does not have a draft. We have the Selective Service System which, contrary to popular belief, is not a form of a draft. Selective Service is actually a way for the U.S. government to catalog and record all eligible males, ages 18 to 26, in case of possible conscription, i.e. a draft. Most men, with a few exceptions, are required to sign up for Selective Service or face punishments such as financial aid, federal grants and loans, certain government benefits, eligibility for most federal employment options, and (if the man is an immigrant) eligibility for citizenship.

For our government to instate a draft, the President has to sign legislation and Congress has to pass it. Considering the current political environment within Washington, there is little chance of a draft actually happening. As the Democrats attempt to remove Trump from Office, they will most likely not support any attempts by him to go to war with another country. Congress is currently split, as we have a Democratic lead House and a Republican lead Senate. As well as requiring all of Congress to support a draft, Trump is looking for re-election this year, sending a portion of the countries men to war with his already low approval rating will be a blow he cannot afford to take. A reputation of pulling us into a war where we’ll be drafting people would also be personally bad for our President, who dodged the draft 5 different times during the Vietnam War, which was the last time our nation had a draft.

While the memes are funny and the TikToks are hysterical, we can sleep soundly knowing that the chance of a draft starting soon in unlikely and that, if a war with Iran (or any other country) started, it would never last long enough for us to be drafted.