Class of 2021: stand-outs and stars of LHS

Becker’s senior photo

Pace Becker, a senior this year, is excited to be moving on from high school. During his time at LHS, Becker has been in many plays and musicals, even winning the Best Actor award numerous times. Becker is going to go to Montana State University next year in the fall of 2021. He plans to major in secondary education, but he is not sure what he wants to teach yet. “Right now, I’m leaning towards Language Arts, but that’s kind of up in the air,” said Becker. Becker has made an impact at LHS through his four years and is excited to see where his future takes him.   

Jacobs’ senior photo

Senior Sophie Jacobs has big, big plans for after high school, as she is planning to attend NYU to study Theater and obtain her BSA in Theater and Stage Management. She has been involved in the theater program at LHS and this year she is a part of the crew of the musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. 

“Every opportunity you have is just a shut door that just needs a key to open, and I didn’t know that theater was a door I could open. I didn’t know how to get into theater, I didn’t know any people here that were in theater. But, one of my friends said ‘Hey, I have rehearsal, you should come see,’ and I walked in and was like, woah, I’m doing this forever now.” said Jacobs. 

With the impact that Jacobs has made on the theater program in her time at LHS, seeing what happens during her time in NYC and after college will surely be exciting! We hope to see you at the Tonys one day, Sophie!

Lapp’s senior photo

Erica Lapp is a senior at Littleton High School who has lots of spectacular plans for her future. Currently, she’s a drum major in marching band, and a magnificent artist who will major in architecture at the University of Colorado, Denver. A field that requires extreme attention to detail and creative intuition which Lapp clearly has a lot of. “I’m super passionate about art and I would love a career in the art industry. I am trying to keep art in my everyday life since it’s become such a huge part of who I am. My love for music and art has led me to being in the marching band which allowed me to find many of my current friends.” Erica Lapp has been here at Littleton for all four years and has accumulated lots of amazing memories with her friends, although her all time favorite memory has to be the lights shutting off in the stadium during marching band rehearsal. “The lights went off in the stadium and I was able to conduct the music without seeing, I was able to hear my peers play without shame which was a super interesting and fun experience.” 

Young’s senior photo

Senior Sarah Young has sure kept busy in high school. Since her freshman year, Young has lettered in golf, making it to state her freshman and sophomore year. She has also made it to state in Speech and Debate and was  vice president of FBLA her sophomore year. She has also volunteered for over 300 hours at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Young has also been in the choir all four years of high school as well as the Denver Children’s Choir. On top of all that, Young has been named the Valedictorian of the class of 2021. After high school, Young plans to major in biology in neuroscience at the University of Oregon on the pre-med track. When asked about high school, Young said, “It’s not all about the academics…try to make time to be social.” Young feels that high school has gone too fast but is very excited to start this next chapter in her life.

Schwantiz’s senior photo

2021 Salutatorian Gillian Schwanitz is very excited for all the things to come her way after high school! She plans to attend Lafayette College. She said she chose it because it has a great pre-med program as well as a good outdoor group. Additionally, she added, they try to be a very ecologically sustainable campus and when she visited, concluding that she loved the atmosphere as well. She plans to go to med school and go into forensic pathology or trauma surgery. Eventually, she would love to work in Antarctica or with Doctors Without Borders. With a cumulative high school GPA of 4.791, that secured her the spot of class Salutatorian. Although, Schwanitz says, “I actually regret spending high school so worried about my GPA rather than taking fun electives and living my best high school life.” Schwanitz says the thing she will miss most about high school is the teachers. “I’ve made amazing connections with many of them and they have supported me for the last 4 years and I’ll miss that.” In college, she is looking forward to meeting new people and getting involved in club track and outdoor club. As well as expanding her learning and taking fun classes. Best of luck in college and beyond, Gillian!