First winter formal since 2020 creates conversation

Also written by Lily Renner

The winter formal is coming up on February 12th. The theme this year is Fire and Ice, so show up with your favorite costume in the South Gym at 8:00!

For those of you that do not know, there are spirit days the week before the Winter Formal. On Monday it is Fire vs Ice day, so students can wear red or blue. Country vs Club day is on Tuesday, Skier vs Swimmer on Wednesday, Thursday is Young vs Old, and Purple vs Gold is on Friday.

When asked what her favorite spirit day is, sophomore Courtney Urbanek said, “I am really excited for the skiers vs surfers day. I can’t wait to wear a Hawaiian shirt I got on vacation,”

Make sure to come to school with spirit!

During homecoming week, the spirit days corresponded with the dance theme, Out of this World. This made the Spirit days more limited, so by having spirit days that do not match this dance’s theme, students can be more creative throughout the week.

“This week’s spirit week is definitely better than hoco because you can find a lot of the material around your house,”

Underclassmen are especially excited about the upcoming dance.

“Yeah, I am very excited for the Winter Formal”, said Evan.

Since Prom is only for juniors and seniors, the Winter Formal is in a way the “freshman and sophomore” dance.

However, some are worried about the threat of COVID. The Winter Formal must be inside due to the weather, but cramping many students into a small gym worries some.

“I am worried because now that masks are optional there is a higher risk of covid spreading.  It also doesn’t help that the dance is inside”, said Urbanek.

With the possibility of the mask mandates expiring, spreading COVID during the formal may be an upcoming threat.

Tickets are being sold throughout next week during A and B lunch, so make sure to stop by and get a ticket! Tickets bought beforehand are $10,  tickets bought at the dance are $15. Val-o-grams are also being sold next week, and if you buy one all proceeds go to Student Council!