On Saturday, November 16th, the community leadership club ActiVida held an event at LHS called “Sabado Gigante” (Giant Saturday) , a group activity to help the students to relax from school stress and develop students’ leadership, communication and teamwork skills.
But what is ActiVida, and what are they trying to achieve?
ActiVida’s main purpose is to ensure that students find their own path in our community by giving multiple skills mentioned before using sports, fitness and student-led engagement to reach this goal. This club has done multiple activities for the community, like a Día de los Muertos event at East Community Center partnered with Latinos in Action to commemorate people that have passed away and celebrate culture and traditions of the Day of the Dead. They also did zumba, yoga and fit boxing sessions with people with Parkinson from Parkinson’s Pointe at East Community Center over the summer. They also helped to conserve our environment helping decontaminate and clean small lagoons around Littleton.
Shawn Stein, one of the mentors for the club said: “We work together to choose and participate in fun sports and fitness activities designed to develop self-confidence, teamwork, adaptability and community- building skills.”
This club also aims for a multicultural community, a safe and equal environment for everyone, a place where people can share their ideas and culture with others, the students that attend these activities feel that they feel safe, respected and excited for the new experiences they will have through ActiVida.
Lizzy Brizuela, a sophomore from Honduras said: “I think this is a great opportunity for me and multiple students to be involved in leaderships programs with people from cultures similar and different to mine, this is a decision that I will never regret.”
ActiVida is the fusion of the words “active” and “life” in Spanish; this symbolizes their desire for a healthy and multicultural environment. They are still accepting people that are interested in joining this group. Their meetings are on Wednesdays at 8 A.M in the North Gym.