Ever since the 1990’s, movie adaptations for video games have tried (and failed) to appeal to audiences. That was until recently with the release of the first Live Action “Sonic the Hedgehog” movie, which many people predicted to be an absolute flop, it did better then what critics predicted. As one of the people who thought it was going to fail and then saw it in theaters, I can confirm that it was a much more enjoyable experience then I had anticipated.
I’ve never seen “Sonic 2”, but I am aware that the reviews for “Sonic 2” are better than “Sonic 1”, which should go to show that this genre started to get on the better side of critics.
The hype surrounding the new “Mario” movie that released a couple of weeks ago has been well received. Fandango gave it a 96% and google claiming over 95% of viewers enjoying it. It’s been all over social media and talk shows around the nation, the reception surrounding the movie has been more than positive. I will be getting my ticket for that movie as soon as possible.
Another important note is the “Five Nights at Freddy’s” movie (which hasn’t been released yet) has gained a lot of attention and might be the most anticipated movie of the year, yet won’t release until October 27th. This movie has been highly anticipated for almost 10 years, and with a casting list that looks promising so far, I will be looking forward to how the end result turns out.
It seems that video game movies are on the rise, but why is this? My personal theory is that these movies are starting to be both produced better and appeal more to audiences. When I saw the “Sonic” movie, I could tell they really tried to appeal to the audience without being too overbearing or unimaginative.
Hopefully the “Fnaf” movie can continue this trend, because I will be watching it the second it comes out.