Art by Littleton Students Featured at LPS District Art Show


This month, works of art by Littleton High School students are being featured at the Littleton Public Schools District Art Show. Their art, along with that of students from the district’s other schools, is being displayed in the Colorado Gallery of the Arts at Arapahoe Community College. The show opened on January 22nd and will remain open until February 11th. The art on display includes visual art of all mediums, including photography, along with sculpture. More than a dozen pieces of art from Littleton students are being shown. 

“I was real excited…it’s such an amazing opportunity to have your work displayed alongside other incredibly talented people,” said senior Kaimbry Kugeler of finding out her art was going to be displayed. 


“My body of work all connects to the theme of the natural colliding with the unnatural. In this piece specifically, I wanted to focus on the presence of birds in urban environments such as Denver. Birds are often associated with the idea of freedom since they have the ability to fly wherever they please and yet birds like the raven and dove choose to reside in our concrete jungle and have become quite reliant on us as a food source,” said Kugeler.

“I was honored that my piece was going to be shown in public. It isn’t anything I would show to people myself, but that’s mainly because I find watching their reactions stressful and nerve racking. I never really thought it was something worth showing off to others outside of close friends and family as a personal achievement. So when my art teacher wanted to show it in public, I was surprised. But I also found it incredibly encouraging. It made me feel capable and gave me the confidence to say ‘yes, you may show my piece of art in public’. Can’t say it’s anything I ever truly expected to experience,” said sophomore Connor Helton of having his artwork displayed.



“The project was to create a still life pen drawing with a creative twist or addition. I wanted to draw something that pertained to my interests. I am really interested in STEM. Things like robotics. I happened to have four small robotic toys, three of which you see in the drawing. These sort of robots have always been the sort of things I would imagine scenes with in my head. Massive terrifying and glorious, like the climax of a Marvel movie. I wanted to try recreating something of the sort in this drawing. So I drew the robots on a made up piece of terrain to scale them up and created a battle scene. Although it isn’t exciting or climatic like a Marvel movie, it still leaves a scene to be imagined,” said Helton. 


The Colorado Gallery of the Arts is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday. Kugeler’s and Helton’s work will be honored on Tuesday, February 11th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.