Cinderella: A Fantastically Fun Musical

Cinderella the musical once again shows the talent of our theater department. With its great costuming, set design, songs, and energetic acting, it’ll be a miss not to see it.

Cinderella follows the familiar story we’ve all come to love, Cinderella, played by Victoria Chang, has to live with her wicked stepmother, who is played sharply by Julia McGarrity, and her two evil stepsisters, played comedically by both Melina Ramos and Amy Olaechea respectively, after her father and mother died. The play goes on, with Cinderella having to deal with the weight of her abusive family members pushing down on her, wanting to go to the ball that the royalty announced is for all suitable maidens to become potentially in hand to the prince, and singing with her mouse friends. The play pursues, with Cinderella facing further adversity, but with her compassion and self-determination, her happy ever after will soon become only a spell away.

Cinderella, played by Victoria Chang with her mouse friends.
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Cinderella giving her hand to a kneeling Prince, played by Michael Alexander

The songs and acting are incredible. The actor’s singing ability paired with their acting talent, it makes the musical very memorable. The songs themselves are well written and convey the character’s emotions in a sonically intelligent way. My favorite song was the song about impossibility. Sung harmoniously by the actors for Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother, Victoria Chang and Bella Koepke, with lyrics that touch and progress the heart of Cinderella’s character development. The energy and fun that the actors are having radiates off the stage and into the seats, it’s infectious, you can tell every actor there, main or background, is glad to be there, and I was too, watching the dedicated and characterised effort they put in advancing their characters.

The stagecraft, special effects and costuming were great. The outfits everyone was wearing just felt so alive and like they were being brought from the Disney animation of Cinderella. The dress Cinderella was wearing to the ball was beautiful and full of sparkle. The sets for the play were well done, detailed, and upgraded the scene unfolding with making it feel more lively. The special effects were a nice addition, they were used in ways that helped with the professional look of the play

The Village People of Cinderella

Compliments to the dynamics and relations of the characters. The dynamics and relations greatly helped in raising the comedic elements and the infectious fun of the play. The play was very fun overall, it had its somber moments, and lots of the story was just about a girl and her abusive family, but the dancing, the twirling dresses, the mice played by young children, and the quality music being played in the background, it all accumulates in a worthwhile play that demostrates the talent of LHS study body.

The Cast of Cinderella

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Get tickets for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (3/6 3/7, 3/8, respectively)! The tickets are $15.00 for general admission and $10.00 for students with ID.