Daylights savings time ends this weekend

Daylight savings time is put in place to get more use of daylight during the summer and winter. This is done by setting the clock one hour forward in the spring, and one hour back in the fall, which is where the nicknames “spring-forward” and “fall-back” comes from. It usually begins in November and ends in March.

In the summer, this time change allows us to enjoy more daylight in the evenings. In the winter it allows us to enjoy more daylight in the morning. This is why during the summer we get to stay in the summer sun way into the evenings, and during the winter we don’t go to school when it is dark out. 

Some countries honor daylight savings time, but the majority don’t because the time change can be confusing and mess up sleep schedules. The countries that honor it include all of Europe, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Lebanon, and much of the Caribbean.

This Sunday at 2 am, daylights savings time will end, making our clocks spring forward the one hour. You will lose sleep during this time change, so make sure to go to bed early on Saturday if you can.