Editorial: Let’s review how to act

It’s been about 6 weeks since we’ve gotten back in school, and it feels like things are falling apart already. From the whole mask mandate coming back, and now the bathrooms being vandalized, why are we dealing with this? Like, come on, we’re in high school. With all of this happening, it feels like we need to be reminded of how to act in school. I get that it’s been a while, but, seriously, we can do better, so here’s a “how to behave” as an LHS student:

  1. Use the bathrooms as intended. This means doing what you need to do, washing your hands and going back to whatever you were doing before. It doesn’t mean stealing, breaking, or vandalizing the toilets or sinks or soap dispensers-all for a TikTok that, at most, will get 10 likes.
  2. Respect substitutes and your teachers. You chose the classes you are taking and, at this point in the semester, you can still switch out if it’s not a good match for you. Walking out of class because of the amount of homework you have, especially when you have a substitute, is entitled and rude, to be honest. 
  3. Wear your masks correctly. Even though walking out because of the mask mandates never happened at LHS, it’s frustrating to see masks under noses. At this point, we’ve been in this mess for over a year, and we’ve been reminded thousands of times of how to wear a mask right. There’s no excuse for that. 
  4. Set good examples. It might seem weird to think about, but the younger kids look up to us and they are taking example from our actions. The stupid challenges we’re doing (and have done in the past) are being passed down to younger kids and they are putting themselves in danger for these challenges. So, just don’t do stupid stuff. 

Hopefully, for most of you, this was a review. For the rest of you, I hope that you were able to learn something from this. Let’s continue this year positively, and as we keep going, I hope we can draw a thick line between trends and bad ideas. 

From all of us on the Lions Roar Staff (especially the boys), can we please have our bathrooms back?