The Littleton High School girls’ tennis team had a strong match today against Dakota Ridge who provided some tough competition today as our girls seemed to be struggling to win matches. Every girl fought her hardest on the court and although only one game was won, the team gave a dedicated and wholehearted performance.
Junior Luci Brendilnger won her singles match today and devoured her competition. Brendilnger played with fervor and compassion throughout her match which was very admirable and fun to watch. A couple of her overhead smashes were particularly impressive and earned her at least one or two points during the match. Luci’s game lasted basically the entire game and the team was very supportive of both Luci and her competition.
Additionally, the support within the team was particularly noticeable throughout the entirety of the game today. Almost every member of the team was cheering for their teammates in between points. They were also very courteous of their competition throughout the match, I don’t think I’ve ever heard as many “pleases and thank-you’s” at a sporting event in my entire life.
Overall, the girls had a little bit of a tough game today with the exception of Luci. However, this is by no means an indication of future performance. Dakota ridge proved to be a very tough competitor for the LHS Lions. Despite some setbacks, the girls all performed very well and played hard tonight on the court.