January and February are dull, grey, boring, sad, and far and away the worst months of the calendar year. January has nothing to look forward to, with 2 holidays, one occurring on the first day of the year, new year’s day, and the other – Martin Luther King Jr. day. Meanwhile, the only holiday in February is Valentine’s day, which is something some people feel left out of.
The worst part of it all, is the weather and how quickly the day turns to night. By 5PM the sun is already setting and by 5:30, it’s pitch black. When an already grey, gloomy day has blocked out the sun for another day, the cold dark night is the last thing to look forward to.
Occasionally when I wake up to a cold, dark, snowy morning, I take a minute to question if I am really present. Which I often find I’m not. The days all blend together, to make one big long month that doesn’t end.
School feels boring and stale, and the same cycle repeats itself day after day. The only two redeeming qualities of the months of January and February are the basketball season and the many clothing possibilities. Needing to add more clothes can be a blessing as one can create interesting outfits that have multiple layers to look at.
While the snow comes down it is a magical feeling, and can feel slightly surreal. However, the next morning, as I get ready to leave, I’m already running late, and have to brush all the snow and ice off the car. Standing in the 30 degree weather getting snow all over my sleeves, I realize why I don’t like the first two months of the year. Eventually as the months move forward, it only gets colder. Reading the forecast and seeing a high of 2 degrees is a feeling of despair only felt in the early part of the year. January and February are the worst months of the year, and it isn’t a competition.