Looking back on high school

It may come as a shock to some, but, for about a fourth of Littleton’s student body, the last day of classes is tomorrow. Now it’s felt like the last day of classes for a while (thanks corona-cation) and some of us still have AP tests to take next week, but, caveats aside, May 15th is the decided end of us seniors’ high school era. Whether we like it or not, it’s officially over tomorrow. 

So, while I still have some upper-classman authority, here are my thoughts on high school:

First off, how much you love or hate high school is entirely dependent on you. There were times that I hated high school, and times (now) where I can’t believe I have to leave. And, looking back, it all comes down to whether or not I decided to be happy and acted on that decision. 

Now, I’m not saying that you have to be happy all the time. That’s unrealistic. Everyone has bad days. But, when you decide to be happy, you continually seek out ways to make your life enjoyable and preserve a state of happiness in your life. Please don’t wait for the weekends to be happy, find ways to incorporate the things you enjoy in your life. Go get Insomnia Cookies with your friends at 10:00pm on a Wednesday. Trust me, it works. 

Second: advocate for yourself; you’re a mini-adult, so act like it. If you need an extra day to write your essay, because your pre-Calculus and Physics and Spanish and U.S. history projects are all due on the same day, just ask. Your teachers aren’t out to get you. 

Third, but most importantly, make the lives of others enjoyable. I don’t care what they’ve done to you (or what you think they’ve done to you), there is no reason that you have to make someone else’s life worse. Everyone is just trying to make it from day to day the very best way they can. Don’t make it harder on someone. 

So, basically, be nice to yourself and to others. That’s pretty much it. 

Oh, and take Newspaper.