Multiple FBLA teams place in the top ten at state

At the beginning of this week, Littleton sent eighteen students to compete at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) state competition hosted at the Gaylord hotel. Out of those students, we had six teams make it to finals, with all of them placing in the top 10. 

Jay Landers and Grady Redding on stage to receive first place award

Seniors Grady Redding and Jay Landers were state champions in their category of Mobile App Development.

Juniors Caitlyn Castellion and Sam Wells placed 3rd in Mobile App Development.

Senior Elle Berendt and Junior Liam Burnham placed 4th in E-Business. 

 Caitlyn Castellion and Sam Wells with third place award

“It was great to finally be able to attend state in person after competing online for the last two years. It was super exciting to see how well everyone did in their events,” said senior Grady Redding.

The memories created at FBLA for these students will last a long time. Some of the favorites include qualifying for nationals and the time spent at the Gaylord hotel in the enviroment.

Liam Burnham and Elle Berendt with fourth place award

“FBLA is not easy, Liam and I put lots of time and effort into this presentation and it really feels good to know it paid off. Also, during the presentation, the wifi went out and our presentation is a website, so knowing that we could think on our feet and find other ways to present really gave me confidence towards nationals,” said senior Elle Berendt.

These students will have the opportunity to compete at nationals over the summer in Chicago, Illinois. They did an outstanding job representing Littleton at the state level and look forward to them competing at the national level.