Tonight, Littleton High School debuted their fall play, The Murder on the Orient Express, based on the novel by Agatha Christie.
The play follows a luxurious trip that quickly goes upside down when it becomes a race against time to solve a murder aboard the train. An avalanche stops the Orient Express in its tracks and the world’s greatest detective, Hercule Poirot arrives to interrogate everyone and search for clues before another murder occurs.

Overall, the cast brought a lively tone to their performance.
Senior Bella Houck, who plays Countess Andreyni played her character with passion and skill. Senior Teya Fukuhara, who plays Helen Hubbard, delivers an unforgettable performance filled with one-liners and jokes. Senior Sophie Lisle, who plays Greta Ohllson delivers an emotional performance.
Though they had some minor technical issues, the cast was able to easily push past without missing a beat.
Even if a prop dropped or something didn’t go exactly as planned, the entire cast adapted and was able to even deliver a quip with it. The set design was well-planned and constructed to immerse the audience perfectly. The use of the screens added an additional effect that brought everything to life. The performance was filled with a wide range of emotions and left the audience at the edge of their seat until the very end.
Lead actor Cody Jacobs, a sophomore, portrayed Detective Poirot. “Our show may not be perfect in every aspect but it sure is fantastic. From the construction crew to the actors, everyone is a lovely addition and it makes me so happy to see everyone succeed,” said Jacobs.
Tomorrow on Friday, the play begins at 7 pm and on Saturday they have two shows, one beginning at 1 pm and the other at 6 pm.