Mr. Charlie Wagner is starting his tenure as assistant principal here at Littleton. He has 14 years in education. He was drawn to Littleton because of the sense of community here as well as the overwhelming success students brought to Littleton as well as the sense of family LHS brings.
“There’s a few things here for why I chose Littleton. Primarily it would be the sense of community, in this case the driving force behind it was the overwhelming bit of success that students brought to Littleton. Whether they were seniors to freshmen and faculty, families brought a sense of family and belonging.”

Wagner’s plan for the school year is to allow students to be the best they can be.
“Besides getting to know everybody and learning names which is a very difficult process right now since there are so many. I’d say overall that every student has that opportunity to be the best for themselves academically and outside of academics like clubs, activities, and sports.”
Wagner has many different hobbies, he loves learning about cars.
“I like drawing, I like reading. I am a big comic book fan, a big Marvel comic book fan and I also like cars, working on cars, getting to know more things about cars in general.”
Wagner has been to multiple different colleges throughout his life; he’s mainly stayed in the States for college.

“I went to a couple of schools, I am originally from Florida so I went to school in Orlando in central Florida for English then I went to school overseas in the United Kingdom. I went there for art history, then I went to a third school South Florida University for leadership.”
Wagner’s favorite part about being an assistant principal is getting to meet new people.
“Getting to meet people from students to staff to families, just getting to meet people constantly.”
Mr. Wagner finds it to be very rewarding to be an assistant principal.
“Rewarding, fun, it’s a lot of work but at the end of the day it’s a lot of work that helps you and everyone around me, it’s really just an exciting job. You get the successes at the end of every single day even if your like great graduation for seniors is what I’m looking forward to, its not just seniors who go here its 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th at the end of the day there is always some form of success story.”