Which grocery store is the best?

In our Denver metro area, there are many different “grocery stores” that students can shop at. There’s King Soopers, Safeway, Sprouts, and Whole Foods just to name a few. I have been to all four grocery stores over the years, and now I bring to you my grocery store ranking.

4. Whole Foods

Whole foods
The outside of the Whole Foods grocery store

In last place, there is Whole Foods. I like the idea of whole foods, with its organic food and cute outdoor seating. The problem? I don’t think their food is that good for being as expensive as it is. Also, I can never find anything that I need; the organization doesn’t make any sense to me. I was trying to find some toothpaste, and I needed to find someone who worked there to help me. Also, since Whole Foods is a partner of Amazon Prime, everything is connected to your Amazon account. If you don’t have an Amazon account, everything is complicated. Overall, I don’t really like shopping at Whole Foods and I am rarely satisfied with my purchase.

3. Sprouts

I feel like Sprouts is only good for one thing: the produce section. The fruits and vegetables are very fresh and the prices are low. I also like the coconut rolls, which you can’t find anywhere else. However, you cannot complete all of your grocery shopping at Sprouts. There are not many toiletries, and the bread is expensive compared to other grocery stores. Sprouts to me are either an old people’s store or a place to get fresh food, but other than that it does not serve everyone’s grocery shopping needs.

Outside of the Sprouts grocery store

2. King Soopers

In second place, I have King Soopers. I really like King Soopers as a whole. They have a lot of variety in their brands, and according to their commercials, they have low prices. The organization of the isles makes complete sense since they are grouped by different types of similar foods. Another great feature of King Soopers is their seasonal aisle. My personal favorite is the summer aisle because there are lawn gnomes and other cute summer items. King Soopers also has cooking supplies and baking pans, which comes in handy when you’re shopping for food. Kids get free cookies is another perk of King Soopers but has been taken away because of COVID. My only complaint? It’s always crowded. This is something beyond King Soopers’ control, but I prefer a quiet shopping experience.

1. Safeway 

In my opinion, Safeway is, by far, the best grocery store. The organization? Perfect. The bakery? Delicious. The prices are comparable to King Soopers, and there are a variety of brands and items. I also like that both Safeway and King Soopers usually have a Starbucks inside, which is convenient for me. I just like how Safeway is never crowded and the shopping process is so peaceful. Safeway is less popular than King Soopers, so everything is less stressful for anyone with social anxiety. Safeway also has something no other grocery store has: Monopoly. Every February, Safeway begins its storewide Monopoly that runs through April. You get tickets when you shop that you can upload to their app. If you collect all the tickets for one of the spaces on the Monopoly board, you can get prizes. Prizes are ranging from $50 grocery gift cards to 1 million dollars. The tickets also come with coupons, and I have gotten many free donuts because of it. I really enjoy my Safeway shopping experience, and I believe it is the best grocery store.